The world is in epidemic with COVID-19 and globally, including Singapore we are encouraged to stay home. Recently, the Singapore Government have announced the implementation of "Circuit Breaker" and all work are to move to telecommute except for essential workers. MOE has also implemented for students to do home learning and schools are closed until further notice. This means most of us Singaporeans are going to spend a lot of time at home, while we hope that the outbreak slowly starts to recover. We need to ensure that our mind remains sharp and productive. It's easy to procrastinate on our work as there are so many distractions at home. Below are 5 simple habits that we can pick up during this downtime. 1) Reading We can emphasise the importance of reading. Reading helps us in so many ways such as keeping our mind sharp and learning new knowledge. You can start by reading the newspaper or any article online for just 15 mins every day.
2) Home Exercise
There are no excuses for us to say we don't have the time to kick in some exercises. Wake up every morning and spend 15 mins doing some simple exercises that you can do at home. Start with doing push-ups, squats and abs workout. We must remain healthy during this time.
3) Listening Most families will be staying at home with their parents or children. It's time for us to spend quality time with our family members. However, this is the perfect moment for us to practice effective listening! Start to learn to listen with the intention of wanting to understand. Let's face it, most of our listening habits can be improved!
4) Mindfulness You can call it meditation or reflections, but with time slowing down us, try practice mindfulness. Spend some time just reflecting and getting to know yourself deeper. Start to be mindful of your actions and start reflecting on how can we improve ourselves further.
5) Hobby Pick up a new skill that you want to learn or explore a new idea that you want to try. You can't cook? Well, this is the time! You can't draw? Well, this is the time! You can't write? Well, this is the time! Go and explore different skills.
We hope that all of us will be united in this fight with the outbreak! Let's take this time to explore opportunities, and when this outbreak clears, we are ready to launch back again!
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